How to Manage Your Blog with Cloud Storage

In present-day productivity, everything revolves around the net – or is at least levitating towards the use of the internet. Online filing systems, storage environments and blogs are the new normal. Although creating an online platform is taxing, once everything is completely uploaded online, you breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the most difficult part of the journey has been completed.

The success of most blogs and bloggers relies solely on the type of content uploaded. Quality content pulls in the crowd, but it is content management that determines the success of a blog in the long run. There are a lot of steps to gaining high website traffic and keeping the brand growing.

Even the most successful bloggers have worried about their blogs at some point. General blog management is one topic that most start-ups tend to overlook, and yet that one aspect can make or break your brand. Need to know the advantages that come with cloud storage services for a blog owner in 2019? Keep on reading and meet easy-to-use cloud storage services for blogging.

Reading this article means you’re looking for easy-to-use cloud storage platforms. Such a platform should provide you with the means of uploading, storing, syncing, and retrieving data. Using a straightforward cloud storage platform is key to general blog management. When your blog is organised, uploading photos and posting stories is easier. Listed below are some of the best cloud storage solutions that can be used to manage your blog like a pro without having to pay an arm and a leg.

1. Access synced files from anywhere

The main advantage of syncing your files to the cloud is that your work becomes mobile. You can work on your blog and access any file from any of your devices, as long as you have internet access and can log onto your cloud platform. When you hear of cloud storage, your first thought should be along the lines of “ability to access my files or folders anywhere, anytime.” The cloud is an upgrade, a big leap from the traditional USB. You can pack a lot of data into the cloud and carry your devices with you for easy access.

Once a file is saved in a cloud platform such as OneDrive, it’s instantly synced across all your other devices that are connected to your OneDrive regardless of their OS, be it Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows, etc. Work on one device and that update becomes synced to all other devices connected to that platform. Even if you lose connection while still working, the software behind the cloud platform still allows work to be done. You don’t lose any time: syncing happens instantly and your work becomes available on all your devices as soon as you upload any updates.

2. Enjoy fruitful collaboration

Cloud storage is collaborative in nature. Each cloud environment has features for increased productivity, including built-in software that allows you to annotate a document even if you are not the original author. Before getting your cloud storage, check what features it offers.

Otherwise, if you’re not interested in the collaborative feature, consider using Shiga Cloud to share files between yourself and your colleagues. Creating one link and sharing documents that can be viewed by anyone with the link enables a more productive working condition whereby ideas are easily shared and analysed online from the nearest device.

3. Safely store your files

While searching for how to keep files in sync for free, you also need to consider their safety. The concept behind cloud storage comes with version control. For example, when collaborating via Dropbox, you have the ability to restore an older version of any document up to 30 days old (or more, depending on your Dropbox account’s plan). For anyone looking for a safe, reliable and trusted way of collaborating and working on a document that needs editing, this feature by Dropbox is the best thing that could have happened. After additional input or editing has been done, the previous version can be brought up for more correction or for comparison against the new version.

4. Say goodbye to clunky emails

There was a time you used to think that email was way better than snail mail, but with a cloud environment, you can easily get rid of all those clunky emails. Now that cloud storage exists, you can say goodbye to the strings of emails. You can now easily collaborate on documents with your colleagues. The easiest and fastest way of collaborating over a work-in-progress document is on the cloud. You can set the options for viewing and editing according to your preferences.  

5. Save space

One thing that your Mac or PC will thank you for when you resort to the services of cloud storage is more free space on the system. This benefit might just be the coolest on this list because you are left with more space on your hard drive to store other data. So, in response to your question: “Do I need file syncing for my blog?”, you do need cloud storage because the more space you have on your computer, the faster it performs. You won’t have to do a purge every three months and delete your loved images: if you are using a trusted cloud storage solution, you will always have your work backed up online and more space on your hard drive.

Selecting a Cloud Storage System That Works Best for Your Blog

These are the most obvious advantages of cloud storage in 2019. The list can be longer depending on your personal preferences, blogging style and the cloud platform that you select. For the most part, cloud storage platforms offer the same or similar features. You can decide to go with Shiga Cloud if you are mostly interested in sharing files or folders without storing them as a backup. You will get a link that can be shared with those that you’re giving access to the information online. The link will expire 14 days after you start to upload your data. Consider this your best option if you are looking to share files or folders without paying a monthly or annual subscription. 

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